our services & Pricing

  • Most treatments will include enemas.

    1st Appointment (90 minutes)


    Follow up appointment (70 minutes)

    - £90

    Green colonic follow up (Green Mix provided by client)


    Implants (25 minutes) including probiotic, coffee, herbal, green etc.


    Additional enemas with Colon Hydrotherapy treatment.


  • 59x most common foods, results in 35 minutes. Including consultation and advice (60min)


    200x foods and drinks and more. Results in 7 days


  • Reflexology with consultation and advice (60min)


    Facial Massage with Lymphatic Drainage and Reflex Points (35min - please allow additional time for consultation)


    Back & Shoulders Massage (15min)


  • Naturopathic lifestyle consultation and advice (60min)


    Hopi Ear Candling with consultation and advice (45min)


    Manual Lymphatic Drainage using the Vodder Technique - For problem areas (35min)
